SynergyNDS partners with Public & Private Entities to develop and manage
Response & Recovery Services specific to their operational needs.
SynergyNDS and Florida Municipal Insurance Trust (FMIT) have partnered in support of the critical needs of FMIT’s 366 Public Entities since 2004, representing over $13 Billion of insured assets. SynergyNDS has the proven capacity and resources necessary to assist Florida municipalities with disaster planning, preparation, response & recovery. Many services are provided at no additional cost by FMIT to its Members. |

SynergyNDS offers various recovery initiatives to Members of the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool’s (TMLIRP) 2,800 governments and political subdivisions who elect to utilize the services. As an independent service provider, SynergyNDS contracts directly with TMLIRP Members on specific property losses in order to achieve prompt response & recovery within the appropriate coverage provisions, as well as local directives & procurement guidelines. |